
Where Can I find a Good Church?

Truth Minute: Where Can I find a Good Church?

People always ask where can I find a good church…and usually, you will get a good list filled with all types of styles, preferences and ministries. But I think biblically there is a better way to judge which assembly group 😉 or culture is beneficial for growth as a believer and it comes from the book of Revelation:

1. Worldly carnal church – these are no ones perfect who are you to judge types. They know its wrong but it doesn’t matter #proselytes – Pergamum

2. Liberal/progressive/love and No Hell church – lifestyles over doctrine, politics more than purity…involved in the community but shuns holiness (Sadducees) – Thyatira

3. Dead institutional church – large, wealthy, and soulless #ichabod – Sardis

4. Patient Church – Slow growth but healthy, sound doctrine is embraced with steady leadership, this church may be small now but not for long and may not be on TV but will have loving accountability – Philadelphia (Good one)

5. Materialistic Money Cometh Church – (prosperity gospel/you are not blessed unless you have wealth) – Laodecia

6. The Persecuted Church – standing biblically firm regardless of postmodern culture but little resources (mostly overseas) – Smyrna

7. Legalistic/conservative/evangelical church – very judgmental, rampant hypocrisy, like the liberal church it values politics over purity, blind to social injustices (give us Barabbas!), #whitewashedtombs (Pharisees) – Ephesus

Of all seven, there are only two that Jesus endorsed, the rest he rebuked…thankfully, a few are going through transformations from one type into the other (they repented).

So if you are looking for a good one…look for the culture of Philadelphia or Smyrna…it may be small or large, in a rural area or in a city…either way, look for it and check if the leadership carries the same spirit. You won’t be appeased, you won’t be able to buy the pulpit, you won’t be able to sin like you want or live as you please….BUT you will be spiritually healthy!

~ Pastor A.M.

P.S. You know which church is not present? The stay at home bedside/internet only types…the isolated Christian cant exist perpetually by themselves…and Jesus never endorsed it. #keeplooking#whenyoufindagoodoneSTAY

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